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LISAA X Mat De Misaine - Mat de Misaine

LISAA X Foremast

LISAA X Mat De Misaine - Mat de Misaine

LISAA X Foremast

In order to encourage young/new generations, Mât de Misaine is currently in partnership with LISAA and its Fashion Design Bachelor

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Plongez dans les coulisses de Mat de Misaine - Mat de Misaine

Dive behind the scenes at Mat de Misaine

Today, we invite you to dive behind the scenes of our company, to discover what makes our maritime heart beat and why Mat de Misaine is much more than just a brand.

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Nouvelle adresse bordelaise - Mat de Misaine

New Bordeaux address

Since October 14, 2023, we are happy to announce the opening of our new address, located in the Bordeaux golden triangle!

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